How to Overcome Problems

Author : Acharya Pranesh   Updated: February 22, 2020   2 Minutes Read   24,440

On several occasions we encounter social distress , problem with relationship in life irrespective of its magnitude, some may be simple ones to some look like the mountain of molehills. Though the problem is a problem but there is no such problem that cannot be addressed. The moment we start learning the art of addressing the problem, several of them will just vanish away with a blink of the eye.

Believe me this is that simple. Now the question is how to adapt this art of problem solving. This is simply an art to understand the cause , as everything in this universe has a cause. Even our birth has some cause, some reasons , as well as some unknown facts which are beyond the understanding of the human intelligence and only the Almighty knows them.

On several occasion the root cause of the problem is nothing but the communication gap. With mutual understanding, sharing of feelings and objective analysis of each other’s expectations, behaviour and psychological background, almost 90 % of problems can be amicably resolved. We may compare their incidence with the quantity of salt in our food. Though salt and pepper themselves are distasteful, but a small quantity of these makes the food palatable.

Such situations of social distress arise because of lack of communication. In fact the factors responsible for such distress are very minor.

Occasional cooling off of warmth in relationships is required to break the monotony of life. Given with mutual trust and affection, we bounce back into the relationship with deeper understanding and warmth.

It is been a established fact that on human birth, the soul brings with it many imperfections and traits of its past lives.

The newly born human child is very little qualified to live amongst human beings. It falls asleep anytime during the day, keeps awake during nights, soils the clothes and makes loud hues and cries for its biological needs of fondling, food and water.

Nevertheless, neither these baby tantrums disturb the household, nor does addition of one more member make the house unlivable. On the contrary, the innocent and immature child becomes a means of entertainment for the family. 

The morally less evolved persons of the society should be treated in the same way.

For evolutionary soul growth, it is the duty of each enlightened soul to work for the progress of other persons, who are at lower stages of soul growth and encourage them, to work for their own upliftment.

Wickedness will always be there in this world. There is no reason to be afraid of. Whoever is desirous of self-enlightenment should learn to face and overcome the disturbances caused by the wicked.

It is necessary to restrain the evil and prevent the beastly traits from polluting humane values. Flies have to be kept away from sweets. The efficiency of one’s karmas is demonstrated in preventing spread of sinful traits in the society.

A great deal of caution is required in this endeavour. It is like walking on the razor’s edge.

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