Five Causes Of Sufferings

Author : Acharya Pranesh   Updated: December 31, 2019   3 Minutes Read   20,700

We are human beings and being human we all suffer from roadblocks in life one point or another. However we are not the first nor the last human being who suffer from anxiety. It is life and Life has never been a bed of roses. We all encounter obstacles in our lives. However there are times when we feel completely lost and no idea about how and where to start from to get ride of the sufferings.

Sanatan Philosophy has provided a great insight about the causes of sufferings. Once we understand the root cause of the suffering, it would be quit easier for us to handle them and come out from the obstacles.

Lets understand the causes of the sufferings

Ignorance , Arrogance , Attachment , Fear of Pain, Anger & Jealousy , Fear of Death

Ignorance: Ignorance being the root of the rest of the four causes of the sufferings plays a vital role in human lives. There are four types of ignorance

1. Wrong beliefs – Belief is good and is a positive word, but at the same time it governs a lot in life how we believe and what kind of belief we believe. Belief of being immortal is the ignorance.

Though we all know that the body is mortal and will never last forever but yet we we think and treat our body as if it is going to last for ever. This is a wrong belief due to ignorance.

On the other hand we often think and treat the soul, God as if they don't exist. This is also a wrong belief due to ignorance.

2. We often believe impure as pure while pure as impure. We often start doubting in truth while accepting readily the wrong things due to ignorance or arrogance.

3. We often start believing the causes of unhappiness as causes of happiness which is not true and causes of happiness as causes of unhappiness. We can see every here and there people searching for happiness in lust, anger, greed, arrogance, attachment with the material world, jealousy, fear of pain and many more but the outcome of the search is zero, reason being the ignorance about the right vision.

4. Often we start believing living as non living while non living as living. Though we believe in stone worship as God worship but at the same time we forget that all the living and non living material belongs to the God and hurting other belongings of the God will not have any effect. This is a wrong belief as everything belongs to the God and for God every creature is His own creation and He feel hurt when the Human, being the most sensible and beautiful creation starts finding happiness hurting others.

Arrogance: God empowered every one of us with some special qualities and thinking oneself as the best one is Arrogance and ultimately this arrogant behavior will take oneself down. The one and only way to be happy is being modest.

Attachment: Though desire is good and brings positiveness in life but at the same time having desire of doing it again and again brings down the prospect of happiness.

Fear of Pain, Anger & Jealousy: Anger and Jealous are negative words in nature and they can only attract unhappiness in life.

Fear of Death: We all fear of death though we do want to stay alive forever and ever and often we believe we have here forever, however we have certain roles is life and certain time to complete our duties towards mankind.

Once we understand these and try to practice the right, we can overcome the hurdles in our lives with perfection.

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