Student life and handling stress

Author : Aparna Sharma   Updated: January 01, 2020   2 Minutes Read   24,470

Mental stress is a part of life. Stress usually occurs when we find something challenging. But it can prove harmful when it reaches another extend. Most students experience significant amount of stress which affects their health, happiness and grades. Some common causes of stress in students includes burden of homework, exam pressure, school, extracurricular activities, relationships, work etc. Mental stress can be managed by indulging some habits and improving our lifestyle. 

Here are top 5 ways for students to handle stress :

Sleep: students often neglect their sleep, or due to tight schedule they are not able to get proper 8 hours sleep. Due to which they are less productive and find things difficult. Students should try to get full night sleep and take power naps when they need them. 

Regular exercise : regular exercise can uplift your mood and release your stress. Regular exercise, meditation and yoga can help you live longer and enjoy your life more.

Music: music is known as the best stress reliever and show many cognitive benefits. Students can enjoy the benefits of music by playing classical music while studying, or relaxing. It stimulates and freshens up our mind. 

Organization : its proven that last minute rushing and unorganized work schedule causes stress and reduces productivity. An organized work schedule can keep stress levels low while studying and can save time. It also helps students gain a positive feeling and encourage more studying. 

Positive thinking: when you feel good about yourself, your day goes well too. A person who is always negative, complains about everything and increases their stress level. A positive thinking can bring better health, relationships and grades. 

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