What is Humanity

Author : Acharya Pranesh   Updated: February 19, 2020   2 Minutes Read   25,240

We human are embodied with several virtues and capabilities with responsibilities. Human being the most intelligent creature of the universe has enormous capabilities and capabilities in turn comes with great responsibilities. 

In order to fulfill the responsibilities, nature provided several traits and virtues to the mankind including power, wisdom, love, emotion, feeling and many more. Humanity is one of that such great virtue that differentiates human with the rest of the species.

In simple words Humanity is a virtue that propel the human to be humane. Nature has provided emotions, feelings to different species on this planet. For a human , humanity evolved as a driving force towards being humane.

Humanity encompasses the feeling of love and compassion towards all the creatures of the universe irrespective of caste, cult, religion, region etc. It is not only limited to human but being human towards all the creatures – be it animal, plant of other living beings.

The simplest example can be considered with this narrative. Treat other people the same way you want them to treat you. Every one us want others to respect us, care for us, be kind to us. The same way other people also wish us to be towards them.

Humanity is that virtue that compels us to behave likewise we want others towards us.

To exhibit and adapt the humanity is the responsibility of every one of us so that we can make it a better place for the civilization and leave a wonderful legacy towards the new lives.

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