Evolution of the Universe

Author : Acharya Pranesh   Updated: December 29, 2019   2 Minutes Read   21,130

As we know all the Atom ( Parmanu )is the smallest particle in the universe. Omniscient God who is universal source of energy combined those Parmanus and eventually the universe emerged into existence.

It takes sixty atoms ( Parmanus ) when combined to form into one Anus.

Combined two Anus. transformed into Air

Combined six Anus. transformed into Fire

Combined eight Anus. transformed into Water

And Ten Anus. when combined transformed into Earth

Combination of atoms ( Parmanus ) transformed into the universe and the left out space is the sky.

Almighty God first made air, then fire, then water, then earth then herbs, then grains, then living beings in order to maintain the proper scientific ecological system thus enabling proper environment required for all the living being as required. Human species, the most beautiful one was the last creation of Almighty God till date.

During the process of evolution Almighty God created several men and women and no children. All the men and women in their youth so that they can reproduce themselves.

Many people find it difficult the origin where God created the human life as first. The answer lies in the scriptures and is believed the human life started at today’s Tibet. Tibet is also considered as the bridge between earth and other lokas as Hindu scriptures.

With the course of time, time flew away and some people from Tibet migrated to other parts of the world and civilized those lonely areas. Time flown and civilization started across the world. Among those people some are known as Aryans who moved to the present India. And, the place was named as Aryavart. Thus Aryavart being the original name of India remain for unknown time.

As per estimate the approximate time that has been elapsed since Humans came into existence is about 1,960,853,099 years. Since early days the Aryans had been counting each day and time in one way or either since the start of the human life on earth.

During early ages the time was measured in some primitive ways documented in several Hindu scriptures, astrological methodologies. It is prevalent in today's time as well and we all witness this sometime during Hindu ceremonies like Hindu marriage, The Hindu priest calculates and reads the time since human life started as a part of Mantra and rituals.


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