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Yoga and Psychological benefits

Author : Aparna Sharma   Updated: December 29, 2019   2 Minutes Read   26,890

We are well-known about the fact, that yoga provides multiple benefits to our body and enhances overall health. Yoga has been practiced since a very long time in almost every part of the world, providing physical benefits such as improved flexibility, proper blood circulation in body and reducing various kinds of health diseases. Along with the well-being of our body, proper growth and functioning of our brain is next most important thing on the chart. 

Studies show that, more than half of the world’s population is suffering from mental diseases, stress, anxiety and depression, which has very serious impact of the lives of people, hampering their physical health altogether. In addition to physical benefits, yoga is said to have amazing effects on the brain as well. 

Here are some mental benefits of yoga: 

Boost intelligence level: A lot of people face difficulty in retaining and understanding the things in one go. Regular practice of asana can do wonders with your intelligence level and overcome the problem of slow brain functioning. Asana helps to connect the brain cells, which are responsible for improved memory and cognitive functionality of our brain. Thus, it helps to boost the overall intelligence level. 

Removes stress, anxiety and depression: the wide spread of stress, anxiety and depression can be seen among all age group of people, hampering their mental and physical well-being. The major causes of stress include family issues, studies, work load etc. If a minor stress is neglected for long, it can give rise to serious mental illness. Here, yoga plays a very important role by helping our brain to release good feelings after every session. The increase of happy brain chemicals reduces the level of stress and fear. 

Increased concentration level: A poor concentration level is the major cause for low grades in school and college or low productivity at work. Well, a good focus is not achieved in a day, it comes with long practice and time. Yoga and meditation is believed to be the most effective way to build this concentration level. Yoga helps to remove all unnecessary thoughts out of our mind and drag it to one place, where we can find peace and focus on only one thing. 

Builds positive attitude: A positive attitude is the key to better life. If you wake up with a good attitude every day, it makes your upcoming tasks simple and interesting. Yoga helps to relive stress and provides peace to the mind. Thus, it changes one’s attitude towards life and how they deal with daily problems. A positive attitude solves half of the life issues. 

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