Who Is God

Author : Acharya Pranesh   Updated: February 14, 2020   2 Minutes Read   24,530

Who is the God and where does He live. Most of the time we starve with this question and spend all of our lives in searching the answer to the question. The simplest answer to the question is that there is one and only one God and that is Om ( Aum ) . Though we call Him with different names , with different forms in different ideologies , aesthetics. But in essence there is one and only one, who takes the form of what and how we wish to.

God is omnipresent , present at all places in all the forms. He is present inside the body and outside the body. Body is made of matter, matter belongs to the source, the creator, the ultimate source from where each and every thing originates. Being the creator of this whole universe, He is present in the whole universe – from the smallest one to the largest one, after all the large becomes large with the union of the small.

God being ageless is never born, nor never dies rather in the whole universe it is only the God that has neither a beginning nor end while rest of everything comes with a start and an end.

By natural virtue, God is too far from happiness or misery. He doesn't get happy nor angry rather being present everywhere , He stand by as the absolute observer. He is always in a state of ecstasy (bliss). Getting close to Him gives comfort, just like getting close the fire gives comfort during cold.

God creates, supports and runs this whole universe.

In its pure form the God is formless. Being formless is the only way through which we can differentiate and feel the existence of the God. In the great Hindu epic Ramayana sage Tulsidas writes

"जाकी रही भावना जैसी, प्रभु मूरत देखी तिन तैसी" ( Ramcharitmanas )

Different people observed Lord Shree Ram as per their consciousness. Some observed Him as source of peace, inspiration, while some as the Kaal, dreaded deity.

Being formless , God comes into our existence the way we wish to feel. Existence of the God can only be felt and neither sensed with the help of senses.

However, there are occasions when we realize God’s existence and His actions. In the times of utter disappointment, need, all of sudden help arrives or an idea flashes into the mind, and the situation begins to improve. Also, thought of doing bad deeds brings feelings of fear, suspicion and shame, and thought of doing good deeds brings feelings of happiness, encouragement, excitement and fearlessness.

Imagine these are all mere thoughts that can give a thumping impact on the overall mindset. Whats the reason behind, who drives all these – the answer is none other than the God himself. Being a silent observer, all the time He drives the unconsciousness and tries to reflect the outcome of the deed.

God’s existence is also revealed with the works which are beyond the control of human logic, intelligence. The regular, logical and mathematical motions of the planets, meaningful and rightful functioning of the universe, the beautiful creation and growth of the plants and the living beings – who perform all these. Living in the world of science and technology, are we able enough to find the exact answer. Are we capable to restructure, and even simulate all these works ? The answer is a big NO. 

God has his own work field, and we humans have their own different work fields.

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