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Top 5 psychological tips for studying

Author : Aparna Sharma   Updated: December 31, 2019   2 Minutes Read   23,480

Common problems faced by every student out there includes, difficulty in figuring out from where to start studying, unable to focus on reading, hard time in retaining the piece of information you have read and difficulty in retrieving the information for a test the next day. Knowing some simple study tips can solve all these problems and improve your studying experience. 

Here are the top 5 psychological tips for studying: 

Study space:  If in case, you have one more chapter to read after finishing the previous one, just give certain amount of time between the two sessions.  The longer break you take between the two sessions, the better you will be able to learn. This is because, after a while we forget parts of what we have learnt in the previous chapter, it helps to read the new chapter with a fresh mind. 

Positive outcome: While doing a task, if you receive positive outcomes, you will become more eager to finish it. Moreover, you will enjoy doing the work. It also means that finishing the task early will leave you plenty of time to do other things of your enjoyment. 

Chunking: it is a scientifically proven technique used in studying, It means taking a lot of information and breaking it down into manageable segments. It not only makes studying easy but also allows our brain to retain most of the information of it. For example, making a flowchart helps us to learn a bigger piece of information or process. 

Test yourself: Before you give your final test, make sure you test yourself personally, to check what all you have retained for far. After one study session, ask yourself questions from the chapter, it helps you to retain the information better. Rereading the material give students a false satisfaction of knowing everything.  Testing yourself regularly help you to commit actual material to memory. 

Use different media: If you don’t feel like reading the book, switch to a video related to that topic, just by listening to it and seeing the visuals, you will be able to learn that topic more quickly and clearly. 




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