Tips to maintain your health during quarantine period

Author : Aparna Sharma   Updated: March 28, 2020   2 Minutes Read   28,890

There is no doubt that being quarantined make you go extremely lazy and sneak into the kitchen after every two hours. This becomes the most sensitive period, where your habits can either make you unproductive or help you to maintain your mental and physical fitness. Some simple changes in your lifestyle would help you to stay physically fit and mentally active during this frustrating period of isolation.

Here are some tips to maintain your health during quarantine period:

Prepare a daily schedule: Most of us spend our day wondering what to do, this is the actual blunder that we should avoid. Note down all the things you will do in a day. Writing down helps you to remember as well as gives you the motivation to carry out activities according to the planned schedule. Moreover, it brings punctuality and sincerity in your daily life activities.

Workout: Exercising does not require going to the gym or park. There are a plethora of exercises and yoga sessions, which can be carried out at your home. Depending on your age and body type, you can choose any workout schedule available on the internet.

Eat healthy: While being at home, choosing the right food for you is the most important thing to maintain your fitness. Eating junk while sitting at home will make you obese in no time whereas a proper healthy diet filled with nutrient rich food help you feel light and active throughout the day. A healthy diet would include green vegetables, chapatti, eggs, cornflakes, oats, and fruits.

Try new activities: While being isolated, even an hour feels like a day. To avoid this, you can engage yourself in several fun activities such as listening to good music, watching your favorite movie, reading books, starting a new hobby and much more.

Try to inculcate these simple lifestyle changes to make your quarantine days fun.

In every situation please do follow the instructions and guidelines of the government administration as being the citizen of the country its our moral duty to help government administration to fight this dreaded danger on the humanity.

Unless and until we cooperate the administration, government alone can never fight this danger and the situation will become worse which would be dreaded beyond imagination.

Please be careful and stay safe.


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