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Miracles of Bryophyllum leaves

Author : Aparna Sharma   Updated: January 06, 2020   2 Minutes Read   33,930

Bryophyllum pinnatum commonly known as Miracle plant is widely used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It usually grows at hot and moist environmental conditions. Besides the medicinal virtues, Bryophyllum plant is among the popular houseplant that can be found anywhere. Scientifically known as herbs and spices, this plant has the power to cure several ailments such as high blood pressure, abscess, headache and swellings. Moreover, its stem and leaves are used to cure asthma, menstrual cramps and sinus issues.

As it miraculously deals with every kind of health problem, it is also quite popular as miracle leaf or life plant. Originated in Madagascar, Bryophyllum leaves are also grown throughout the country due to its wonderful health benefits.

Here are some health benefits of Bryophyllum plants:

Removes kidney stones: Bryophyllum leaves are mostly famous to cure kidney stones and other kidney ailments. If you are suffering from the problem of kidney stone, prepare juice of Bryphyllum leaves and drink two glasses a day or else you can the leaves directly. Continuous consumption of Bryophyllum leaves will remove the kidney stone completely in about one month of time. 

Treats urinary disorders: In case you are suffering from any kind of urinary disorders, drinking 5 ml juice of Bryophyllum leaves twice a day can prove a very good and effective cure. 

Good for colds and coughs: Takings medicines for acute diseases such as coughs and cold would not be a viable option to make as it can have side effects on your body. Juice made out of the leaves along with a sugar candy can help to treat normal coughs and colds effectively. Moreover, its juice can also help to cure asthmatic patients. 

Treating wounds: Application of Bryophyllum leaveson cuts and wounds would help it to heal faster than any other antiseptic cream. Warm the leaves, crush it and then apply it on the wound, it heals the wound quickly and protects the skin from scars.

Cure for diabetes: Bryophyllum leaves are an effective solution for diabetes. Drink the juice of its leaves twice a day and it will help to drop the sugar level in your body.

Bryophyllum can easily be grown in pots in the terrace gardens.

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