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Age Of The Universe

Author : Acharya Pranesh   Updated: December 31, 2019   3 Minutes Read   23,500

As per Hindu Mythology the total age of the earth (past and future) is referred to as a Bramha KKalp and is 4.32 billion years. This is also know as one Brahma Day. After this period Lord Bramha converts all the matter into atoms ( Parmanus ) and it will remain in that atomic state for the another 4.32 billion years. This period is called as one Brahma Night. After Brahma Night is elapsed, Lord Bramha recreates the universe and transforms the atom into respective matter.

This cycle of Brahma Day after Brahma Night and then Brahma day goes on and on for the infinite. This cycle continues one after another Kalp. In Vedic scriptures the Maharishis have identified 35 Kalpas which continues one after another.

Brahma day:

In one Brahma day, there are fourteen Manvantras of human life. Each Manvantra has seventy-one Chaturyugas. There are four Yugas in one Chaturyugas.

Satyug - 1,728,000 Years

Tretayug - 1,296,000 Years

Dwaparyug - 864,000 Years

And Kaliyug - 432,000 Years

The sum of four Yugas is 4, 320,000 Years

Existence of Human life on earth is 14*71* 4,320,000 Years equals 4,294,080,000 Years

This is equal to = 14*71 = 994 Chaturyugas.

One Brahma day is said to be equal to one thousand Chaturyugas. Total time of Human Life on earth is 994 Chaturyugas. As per calculations it takes three Chaturyugas for creating the universe and three Chaturyugas is spent in converting the matter into atom ( Parmanu ) form.

As per Vedic calculations by the great Maharishis, in today’s era six Manvantras have been elapsed. In the present seventh Manvantra, 27 Chaturyugas have been elapsed, Satyug, Tretayug and Dwaparyug have been elapsed. Astrological calculations says in February 2000, 5099 years of the present Kaliyug have already been elapsed.

Thus, the total past age of human life one earth can be easily calculated as:

Past six Manvantras = 6*71*4,320,000 = 1,840,320,000 Years

Past 27 Chaturyugas of Seventh Manvantra = 27*4,320,000 = 116,640,000 Years

28th Chaturyuga

Satyug1,728,000 Years
Tretayug1,296,000 Years
Dwaparyug864,000 Years
Kaliyug5,099 Years
Total3,893,099 Years

​​​​​​With the above simple calculations

Past years of human life on earth - 1,960,853,099 Years.

Remaining years of human life on earth - 4,294,080,000 - 1,960,853,099 Years = 2,333,226,901 Years


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