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Go natural for skin care

Author : Aparna Sharma   Updated: December 29, 2019   2 Minutes Read   19,060

Healthy and glowing skin is not only a desire but also a necessity for every person out there. Just as we need food for the proper functioning and well-being of our body, the same as with our skin, it needs good nourishing at every stage of our life. However, if we fail to achieve it, our skin will tend to attract more allergic and skin problems.  In today’s generation, most of the people are drooling over fairer and glowing skin, in order to achieve the same, they end up reaching for chemical skin products and harsh fairness creams, which results in severe skin damage.

Now, if we take a look back on the older days, when our mother and grandmother had a naturally glowing and wonderful skin, wondering how did they manage to have such a beautiful face, then the answer is hidden within our nature itself. Some of the natural remedies help to remove almost every kind of skin problem such as dullness, skin darkening and pigmentation due to overexposure in the sunlight, hence saving our money and efforts. 

Here are some of the natural remedies used for skin care: 

Besan, honey and yoghurt: This combination is the most effective way to tackle multiple skin problems such as skin darkening, pimples, pigmentation and dryness. Take half spoon of each ingredient and make a face pack. Apply it on every part of your face and do not neglect the neck area, rinse it with water after 10-15 minutes. In case, you have very oily skin, replace yoghurt with lemon, the acidic content present in lemon extracts the access oil from your skin. Perform it alternatively to achieve, pimple-free, glowing and smooth skin. 

Fruit face pack: When hunger strikes, you can grab your favorite fruit, although, you can do the same for your skin as well. Mash together some pieces of fruits such as banana, papaya, orange and mix them well to make a thick paste. Apply it all over your face and gently massage your skin. Repeat it every week for good results. 

Turmeric and rose water: Ever wondered why do brides apply turmeric on their skin as a wedding ritual? The answer lies in our nature. Turmeric has some powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent known as curcumin, which helps to improve skin complexion and provides a bright skin. Moreover, rose water mixed in turmeric gives your skin a pinkish glow. 

Aloe Vera: This naturally extracted content helps to increase cell turnover and remove dead cells from your skin, hence, reducing hyperpigmentation. Aloe Vera is widely used to achieve fairer and glowing skin. 

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